Parker Norwood

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Jonathan, In our brief visit a few weeks ago, you shared a few examples of how you assisted others to overcame phobias and other challenges in their lives by shifting their energy patterns. I decided to try one of your tips of “tapping meridian points” before presenting to a group and achieved unbelievable results. I […]

Kitty Connell Nederland, Colorado

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I am dumbfounded at how much has shifted for us. There are tangible changes that I can list, but there are deeper shifts that I cannot name yet. Anyway, our communication is smoother and sweeter. Our confidence in everything, including each other, has elevated considerably. Finances are definitely loosening up. And we’re both feeling great. […]

Joseph Kramer Delmarva Pole Building Supply, Inc. Dover, Delaware

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My whole persona has changed and I am not the person my friends once knew. I have the ability and freedom to introduce myself to any group or person, and carry on a conversation freely without fear. I have spoken in front of groups since then, and I don’t have the paralyzing fear that, without […]


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I have spent literally thousands of dollars on coaching and working with therapists to better myself. They definitely have their place, but the ability to “be myself” and live in that freedom on a daily basis, without the fear of not “fitting in” was a major part of what I wanted and could not find […]

Lynn Sinclair Highlands Ranch, Colorado

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I went from feeling burned out & locked into a business that I no longer wanted to feeling empowered to choose a path that what right for me. I sold that business within a matter of months, choose a new career path, and now have a much more positive outlook on life in general. I […]

Daniel Markofsky Denver, Colorado

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Business is booming and I am slammed. To my list of “stats” – b/c I have not forgotten all the things we talked about – I’ll be able to add “Lender counsel to two golf course acquisitions at $4M each” “Seller representation in $1.05M stock purchase agreement” “Investor representative for $1.8M Resort Development” “Buyer counsel […]

Dawn Legge Amberg Entertainment Denver, Colorado

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What an amazing impact! Jonathan Manske’s seminars and one-on-one coaching was the catalyst for the amazing changes that started taking place in my life after I started applying the concepts and tools I learned from him. I wake up everyday and thank the universe for putting Jonathan in my life path to success.

Sherry Armstrong Award & Sign Greenwood Village, Colorado

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Jonathan Manske, in his relaxed yet motivating manner, successfully instilled a new “mindset” with Award & Sign’s sales team. He was able to prove to many skeptics the power of the mind and how our own beliefs affect our daily lives and the choices that we make.

Carrie Wolf DC Parker, Colorado

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Thanks so much for coming out last Friday. Believe it or not this week is completely different. Everything has been going really great and your recommendations were the catalyst.

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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