Swimming in polluted waters aka the mass consciousness effect 

An important thing to keep in mind in our efforts to do better is the mass consciousness effect.
Most of what is in mass consciousness is completely counter to success, happiness, and doing better. But these things are so ingrained in mass consciousness that we just take them for granted as the way to do things, the way to be human. As the old saying goes, it is like water to the fish, we don’t even notice them.
So, the water we swim in is polluted with things like:
- Scarcity consciousness
- Guilt and shame
- Thoughts of unworthiness and not being enough
- The belief that beating up on ourselves will inspire better performance
- Need for approval
- I’m not okay
- Self-doubt and limitation
- And . . .
It definitely takes effort and awareness on our part to think differently than mass consciousness tells us to think. However, this effort is well worth it because we cannot think the way mass consciousness tells us to and have any chance of creating the lives we want to live or of becoming the person we aim to become.
Much Love,
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photo credit: forum.linvoyage.com Underwater world of Similan islands via photopin (license)
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