Surround your goals and dreams 

A friend recently mentioned that his business is growing nicely. And, the bigger opportunities seem out of reach.
He’s fallen into the “how” trap.
If we have a goal where we can clearly see the “how”, it is sure to be a very small goal.
When we get caught up in the “hows”, we will end up feeling lost, stuck, powerless, hopeless, overwhelmed, anxious, and confused. That’s because “how” is not our job. It is far above our pay grade.
There’s a great saying: What you want is your job. How that happens is God’s job.
So, what are we to do when those goals and dreams seem out of reach?
Surround them. Surround them daily with prayer, with love, with positive intention, with curiosity, and with gratitude. Then take action on the small things that you can clearly see and let the “how” take care of itself.
Much Love,
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photo credit: Strelka Institute photo HOW TO CREATE A POPULAR PUBLIC SPACE via photopin (license)
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