Really bad mental accounting
I recently had a very unpleasant experience.
This was at a place where I have had many great experiences.
So, it was interesting to watch my thinking. I easily started thinking about how maybe there will be more bad experiences and how it might even get worse, and I might need to stop going to this place.
But, when the hundreds (literally) of good and great experiences happened, did I ever think about how maybe things will get even better? Nope.
So, my thinking was far more inclined to take that bad experience and run with it than it was with all the good experiences. My thinking wanted to let one lousy experience outweigh hundreds of good experiences. That’s some pretty horrible accounting.
These sorts of experiences are why it can be so valuable for us to be suspicious of our thinking rather than just blindly trusting it as accurate.
Much Love,
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photo credit: AdamCohn Lottery Accounting, Santa Marta Colombia via photopin (license)
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