Noblesse Oblige

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Noblesse Oblige 
Noblesse oblige is an old phrase that means, nobility obliges. People of a high rank have an obligation to behave generously, honorably, and responsibly.
This sounds like a pretty great way for all people to live. Too bad so many don’t.
From my limited understanding of the Equifax security breach, it sure doesn’t sound like the Equifax leadership believe in noblesse oblige. They made sure that they took care of themselves financially while concealing the breach and “who cares what happens to anyone else.”
Their behavior would be similar to Captain Edward Smith, the captain of the Titanic, and his top people grabbing the first lifeboat and leaving everyone else to fend for themselves. That’s not what he did. Instead, he went down with the ship.
How are we doing life? Noblesse oblige or taking care of #1 regardless of how it impacts any one else?
I believe we were born to be honorable, generous, and responsible to our fellow men and women.

Much Love,

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photo credit: Sharon Mollerus St. Catherine of Alexandria via photopin (license)

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