Loosing myself in order to ascend 

A common piece of counter-intent is that in order to take things to the next level, I’m going to have to either give up something that is important or that I have to give up being myself. Faced with this either/or choice, people choose to stay true to those other things and give up on greater success. They see it as too big of a price to pay.
For example: in order to be more successful, I’m going to have to give up my lifestyle. Or, I’m going to have to stop being playful, kind, and friendly and become super-serious in order to do better. Or, I have to be like my role model instead of being who I am.
However, these either/or dilemmas are pure head trash. I can become more successful and still have a life full of the things that are important to me. I can become more successful and stay true to who I am. It isn’t an either/or. It is an and/both.
This counter-intent stops a lot of people from doing better.
Much Love,
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