It is your life and you are welcome to it 

Years ago, a friend told me a story about what happened at a personal growth retreat that he attended.
The leader was working with one guy. And, the guy deflected, contradicted, and disputed everything the leader tried to point out. Finally, the leader said, “I’m done. It is your life and you are welcome to it.” And, the leader turned his attention to someone else and started to work with another person. He was done.
I’ve thought about this story so many times over the years. Sometimes we just need to be done.
Recently I interacted with someone who was stuck in a low energy, gloomy place. I created invitation after invitation and opportunity after opportunity for that person to shift. She chose not to. Finally, it was time for me to be done. It is her life and she’s welcome to it.
Much Love,
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photo credit: woodleywonderworks goodbye via photopin (license)
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