It is impossible to outperform your self-image 

In his book, Psychocybernetics, Maxwell Maltz said, “It is impossible to outperform your self-image.”
It is impossible to do better than your opinion of yourself.
One example of this is the shockingly large percentage of lottery winners who lose all their winnings in a matter of years. Being mega-wealthy is far beyond their self-image which drives them to make poor choices which leads to them being back in the familiar zone of who they know themselves to be.
My suspicion is that this is what is happening with Brandon McManus, the kicker for the Denver Broncos.
In September, he got paid. He got a three-year $11.25 million contract which was a big increase over what he used to make.
Since then he has already missed five kicks this season (in five games). That’s as many as he missed in the entire 2015 season, including the playoffs. He went 10 for 10 in the playoffs and super bowl. That’s as many as he missed in the entire 2016 season.
My suspicion is that he is feeling pressure to try and prove that he’s worth the big contract and that is messing with him.
The coaching plan is to create more high-pressure scenarios in practice to get Brandon to work through his slump.
I’d recommend that he does some inner work on upgrading his self-image. Otherwise he could be like those lottery winners where he gets the big payday and then loses it all by kicking so poorly that the team releases him.
We’ve all got areas where our self-image could use some upgrading. Remember, it is impossible to do better than who you think you are. It is impossible to out-perform your self-image.
Much Love,
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photo credit: Jeffrey Beall Brandon McManus via photopin (license)
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