I can do it myself (said with defiance) 

Many people have head trash about asking for and receiving assistance. The warped thinking behind this goes something like this ~ “I need to prove that I am enough. Asking for help is a sign of weakness. If I was enough, I’d be able to do this on my own.”
What a stinking pile of head trash! Asking for and receiving assistance is just plain smart. Bill Gates, for example, has received a LOT of assistance. Anyone who has ever created anything received assistance – in the form of other people’s ideas, efforts, money, time, mentoring, emotional support, etc.
If you want to take this accepting assistance as a sign of weakness thing to the extreme, you need to stop going to the grocery store and start growing all your own food. You need to drill an oil well in your backyard and refine your own gas, after you’ve built your own car from scratch. And so on, because these are all forms of other people assisting us.
Be smart. Welcome assistance. Ask for it and graciously receive it.
Much Love,
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photo credit: Jon_Marshall Helping Hand via photopin (license)
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