Hurt for people rather than
be hurt by people
be hurt by people

Life is way easier when we give up getting hurt by people and instead hurt for them.
One way of doing this is by remembering that it is not about me and then giving them the benefit of the doubt, “they must be having a bad day, or a rough life, to be behaving that way.” When the stimulus to take offense shows up, we can remind ourselves, “I’m not going to make this about me.”
We hurt for them by knowing they are in pain and having compassion for them in their struggle.
I’ve given up my right to be offended (although I do forget that at times – so there is still work to be done). Imagine living in a way where you couldn’t be offended. What would that be like?
Much Love,
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photo credit: symphony of love Dalai Lama If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion via photopin (license)
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