Honoring our parents 

I had an aha this morning that made my head spin.
I’ve long since come to terms with the fact that my parents were always doing the best that they knew how to do, and I have forgiven them (for their shortcomings, mistakes, and the like).
I’m also very clear that even though I dearly love my daughters, there have been plenty of times where it was something other than pure love that was driving my behaviors. I too was doing the best that I knew how to in that moment. So, I too have given my children things that they can forgive me for doing – just like my parents.
However, this morning, I came face to face with my need to ask my father for forgiveness for the hurt and pain and suffering that I caused him.
I had never considered this before and it blew my mind. I saw that I had stopped honoring and valuing him fairly early in my life. I had sent tons of silent judgment and criticism and scorn his way. I had closed my heart to him. And . . . There’s a lot to apologize for.
(Note: My father was not a bad guy. He didn’t abuse me. We didn’t have fist fights. Etc. Some time some where some thing happened, and I made up some meaning about it and I closed my heart to him.)
Undoubtedly, there are still ripples to come out of this and I definitely feel different from having apologized to my father and asked for his forgiveness. Somehow, I feel lighter and more whole and complete and more loved and more peaceful.
In the next few days, once my head stops spinning, I’ll take on part 2 of this and ask my mom for forgiveness.
If this strikes a cord with you, I invite you to get right with your parents too. Ask for forgiveness. And, it doesn’t matter if they are still here or not. My father has been gone for 30 years but I got right with him today.
Much Love,
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photo credit: Chris Bailey Photographer A very special Father and Daughter shoot at Longleat forrest – © Chris Bailey 2017 via photopin (license)
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