Gnawed into mediocrity 

Imagine that you woke up and discovered a rat gnawing on your arm. Would you let the rat continue to gnaw? Would you tell yourself “it is no big deal” and go back to sleep? Or would you do something about it?
When we listen to the little voices whispering guilt, shame, unforgiveness, doubt, fear, unworthiness, self-judgment, and the like – we are making the choice to allow the rat the continue to gnaw. Those rats are gnawing on our joy, peace, fulfillment, well-being, and our capacity to succeed.
However, it is a little more complicated than this because the rats don’t look like rats. They are disguised in the lies they tell us. They are great liars, trying hard to convince us that they are helping us and supporting us to do better. But these are all lies. None of that crap helps us to do better, it just tortures us while devouring our joy and peace.
There is no requirement that we must listen to the lies. See the rat for what it is, a destroyer, and stop listening.
Much Love,
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