Escaping the double bind
A double bind is a situation where neither option is desirable, either way we lose. Our thinking often puts us into double binds.
I can either be a good parent or have a successful career. This double bind has me choosing between being a bad father or being a bad entrepreneur. Either way, I lose.
I can either be a good person or I can sell. So again, either way I lose because I’m choosing between being a good person who isn’t making any money and a bad person who is making money.
I can either grow my business or I can have a life that I enjoy.
The antidote for these double binds is to create a new third option. What if I can be both a good parent and a have a successful career. What if I can be a good person and effectively sell. What if I can grow my business while enjoying my life.
When we do this, we are replacing the “either/or” in our thinking with an “and”. And in the process, we are setting ourselves free.
Much Love,
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photo credit: Leo Reynolds ampersand & via photopin (license)
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