Emotional creatures
We are emotional creatures, not logical creatures. Our emotions run the show.
Last week was a weird food week. Nothing tasted good or was filling. I ate more and more often than usual. And, I ate less healthy than usual.
My thoughts about getting back on track and my attempts to use will power failed repeatedly.
Finally, the light bulb went on this morning “perhaps I should be my own client and do some work with myself.”
I quickly uncovered that I had a stuck emotion of longing. I then let go of the longing (without ever determining exactly what I was longing for). And then, today was very different from last week. I easily ate healthy meals, ate smaller portions, felt satisfied after eating, and didn’t snack.
Thinking and willpower did not work but emotional releasing did.
We are emotional creatures. Even our weirdest and most frustrating behaviors make sense when we understand the emotions that are driving them. Then when we change the emotions, it is usually easy (or even automatic) to change the behavior.
Breakthrough to Unprecedented Results starts July 3
Much Love,
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photo credit: azfar ahmad | thepatahtumbuh Her first experienced via photopin (license)
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