Effort to Encourage 

I had a discussion with some friends this morning about how often people are starving for a word of encouragement.
This made me think of my favorite proverb: An encouraging word is like a honeycomb. It strengthens the body and sweetens the soul.
It also made me think about – how willing am I to make the extra effort to deliver that word of encouragement?
Everyone in that group has at one time or another inspired me, contributed to me, and blessed my life. But have I made a point of individually telling them that? Nope.
The research of Shawn Achor, author of the Happiness Advantage, states that the number one indicator of long term happiness is the size and health/connectedness of our social circles. Reaching out to people and encouraging them is a great way to strengthen those circles while making a positive impact.
Action step: Let 2 people a day know that you are thinking of them or that you appreciate them. Doing something as simple as this has the power to change a life.
Much Love,
I write these Daily Doses because I know that my content does make a difference and helps people live better lives. So, if you know someone who would benefit from today’s thoughts, please pass this on. Thanks and gratitude in advance!
photo credit: Éole Circle of friends via photopin (license)
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