An Interesting Question Take a minute and ponder this question: What do people feel and experience when they are around you? And does the answer vary with context? Would your friends have a different answer than your family, or your coworkers, or your neighbors, or . . .? If you don’t like your answers, you […]
An interesting question
Our packrat brains

Our Packrat Brains Imagine a packrat’s room stacked full of old newspapers, boxes, and junk. The room isn’t useable because there’s so much unneeded and not useful stuff. And it certainly isn’t comfortable to be in that room. But if we start emptying that room, with every load of trash we carry out, the room […]
Powerful choosing- we always have a choice
We are all schizophrenic

We are all schizophrenic We have two different brains. One brain is all about safety and survival and tells us that anything that is unfamiliar, uncertain, or unknown is dangerous or even life threatening and that we should run away as fast as we can. The other brain is concerned with change, growth, expansion, and […]
Surround your goals and dreams

Surround your goals and dreams A friend recently mentioned that his business is growing nicely. And, the bigger opportunities seem out of reach. He’s fallen into the “how” trap. If we have a goal where we can clearly see the “how”, it is sure to be a very small goal. When we get caught up […]
15 no’s, 1 yes

15 no’s, 1 yes The other morning, Mike texted me to see if I wanted to play volleyball at noon. Of course, I said “yes”. Then Mike said that he’d find two more people and we’d be set. He quickly confirmed Doug so then we needed one more. Throughout the morning, he kept texting me updates […]
Seekers and finders

Seekers and finders When something is lost, there are people who set out to look for it and then there are people that set out to find it. The finders tend to find the lost item more often and far faster than the lookers do. Many people identify themselves as seekers. This can be a […]
What can I do???

What can I do??? I’ve had a rough couple of days because I was stressed out about the situation with my mom. (Mom had a stroke two weeks ago and cannot move her right arm or leg). I was feeling heavy and helpless because there’s nothing I can do to fix it, to make her […]
Two Strategies

Two Strategies We can either sit around, hoping and praying that people will find us – or we can put in the necessary work to become the kind of person that people go looking for. One of these strategies is far more useful, enjoyable and effective than the other. Much Love, Jonathan Help me out […]
Solution mode

Solution mode Have you noticed that so often people want to keep on rehashing the problem, and elaborating, and reviewing, and remembering similar offenses and . . . There is zero benefit when we do that. Zero! The problem can be covered in a minute or two. Then it is time to turn our attention […]