Brutality of disappointment 

Many times, there are potential action items that we are uncomfortable doing. We can make it easier to do these things when we get honest with ourselves about how painful it is to be disappointed in ourselves.
When we don’t do the thing(s) that would move us forward, we end up feeling crushed. Our confidence goes down. Our excitement and enthusiasm take a hit. Our belief in ourselves decreases. Our feelings of well-being and even self -worth get steamrolled.
This is all quite costly. Looking at it from this perspective, it would just be easier to do that thing that makes us uncomfortable rather than dealing with the brutality of being disappointed in ourselves.
Much Love,
I write these Daily Doses because I know that my content does make a difference and helps people live better lives. So, if you know someone who would benefit from today’s thoughts, please pass this on. Thanks and gratitude in advance!
photo credit: Lenny Flank Head in Hands via photopin (license)
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