Bigger than our problems 

There’s an old saying about being bigger than our problems. What would happen if we took this literally?
Think about one of your big problems. This could be with a person or a situation.
Now notice that from your mind’s eye perspective, that person or that situation is bigger than you are. Notice how it makes you feel little and small and weak and maybe even hopeless.
Now change your frame of reference. Make yourself twice as tall or even three times as tall as your problem. What happens? How do you feel now?
Chances are very good that you feel different – more empowered, more relaxed, calmer, more capable, stronger, more optimistic . . . The problem probably seems more like an annoyance, a minor inconvenience, just something you need to handle, or even a non-factor.
We can always change our frame of reference.
Much Love,
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photo credit: Mathay Jean-Luc Flanders giant in sunset via photopin (license)
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