Already winning at life 

So often when people think about doing better, they automatically make themselves wrong for being where they are at. Then they create pressure and stress around having to do better.
When we step out of our own lives for a moment and take an objective look, we can easily see that we are already doing good, that we are already winning at life. We have many successes. We have people who love us and people to love. We have clothing, food, and shelter. We have so many blessings!
Also, no matter where we are at, there is up from here. There is the potential to do better.
The key is to be grateful for what we already have, to appreciate where we are at, and to appreciate who we are – and then to be curious about getting to better.
Remember (and celebrate) that you are already winning at life.
Much Love,
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photo credit: Dietmar Temps Ghana, funny kids on the beach via photopin (license)
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