When head trash and will power collide
When head trash and will power collide, guess what wins pretty much every time?
People often think that they just need more will power and that they can power through their head trash and resistance.
But, will power has been proven to act like a battery. When you use it there is less left until you recharge. Consequently, will power is not a sustainable strategy. Plus, it always requires a lot of energy and effort.
Imagine if someone built a 10-foot wall outside your front door. Some days you would have the energy and the will power to climb that wall so that you could go about your day. Other times the wall would just seem like too much trouble and so you’d stay home.
It isn’t about more will power. It is about less head trash.
Much Love,
photo credit: Boris Thaser 238/366 – Negativer Raum / Negative Space via photopin (license)
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