I believe in you
Most people have learned to not believe in themselves. And, they learned this by accident through life experiences (no one sets out to not believe in themselves).
Next time you catch yourself in this frame of mind, sit down quietly for a couple of minutes and imagine person after person telling you, “I believe in you”. Hear this from friends, mentors, parents, grandparents, teachers, bosses, significant others and ex-significant others, children, siblings, coworkers, clients, neighbors, famous people, role models, heroes, God, strangers you meet on the street and . . .
It doesn’t matter if these people have never said this in real life. It can happen in your imagination and there is a part of your brain that cannot tell real from imagined.
Chances are very good that this will change how you feel!
I believe in you!
Much Love,
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photo credit: LadyDragonflyCC – >;< Santa Chair via photopin (license)
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