Surface motivators and true motivators
“Money and/or success” – that is the common answer to the question, “What motivates you?”
However, very few people are actually motivated by money or success. That is their surface default answer, the one they have been trained to give by society. After all, isn’t that what we are supposed to want? Isn’t that what everyone wants?
Almost always, there is a motivator deeper than money or success. Almost always, these deeper motivators are about feelings rather than things. We need to do some thinking and some introspecting to discover what these deeper motivators are. One way is to ask what money or success could provide or make possible.
If we hitch our wagon to one of these surface motivators, we will quickly discover that they don’t pull us very far. The real fuel, the real power, comes from aligning with these deeper motivators.
Much Love,
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photo credit: wuestenigel Coin Close-Up via photopin (license)
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