Upstream adjustments

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Upstream adjustments 
A friend of mine has a sign on his refrigerator, “Abs are made in the kitchen”.
That’s a great reminder to delay gratification and to support him in making the choices that are congruent with his health and fitness goals.
There is also an upstream adjustment that can be made, “Abs are made at the grocery store”.
The advantage of this upstream adjustment is that he would only have to use willpower once – while shopping – to not put any lousy food-like substances into his shopping cart.
Once those lousy foods are in his house, will power will be required, frequently, to resist eating those foods that are not congruent with his goals. This creates many more opportunities to stumble.
By buying those foods and having them in his house, he is not creating a supportive environment.
Where in our lives are we doing this sort of thing? Where are we creating non-supportive environments? And, how could we make an upstream adjustment?
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photo credit: Brave Heart Hungry? via photopin (license)

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