15 no’s, 1 yes 

The other morning, Mike texted me to see if I wanted to play volleyball at noon. Of course, I said “yes”.
Then Mike said that he’d find two more people and we’d be set. He quickly confirmed Doug so then we needed one more.
Throughout the morning, he kept texting me updates about the people he had asked and were not available. And, I kept suggesting other names. Finally, the 16th person he asked said “yes” and we had our foursome.
If Mike had not been persistent, we would not have had a wonderful afternoon of volleyball. (Thanks Mike!)
It’s probably safe to say that Mike really wanted to play and was willing to do what it took to make that happen.
So, what about in other areas of our lives and businesses? Are we willing to be persistent? Are we willing to do what it takes to make it happen?
Or, do we get a few no’s and a few setbacks and stop?
Much Love,
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photo credit: a l o b o s Footvolley at Copabana beach via photopin (license)
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