TFA Kickoff Celebration

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Transamerica Financial Advisors
Kickoff Special Incentives

Chris Felton asked me if I’d be willing to put together some specials for the Kickoff Celebration this weekend to support the people who are ready to have a BREAKTHROUGH 2017.

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What would a breakthrough look like for you?

Then the important question, how are you going to make that happen?

I’ve heard many people say that 80% of success is in our heads and the other 20% is action. I say that ultimately 100% of success is in our heads because all action is influenced by what is going on in our heads. So, in order to have that breakthrough, we have to get our heads straight. We have to upgrade our mindsets, beliefs, expectations, perspectives, and habitual thoughts. If we don’t do this crucial work, we aren’t going to have that breakthrough.

For our results to change we have to change!!!

If you want support, guidance, insight, and expertise in this then I invite you to take a look at the Kickoff Specials.

Introductory Session:

Not sure if this coaching thing is for you or if I’m the right fit – a 1-hour session is an easy way to get those questions answered $200 (normal pricing). Kickoff Special $135. Can be done in person or over the phone.

Individual Coaching:

Basic: Five 1-hour sessions over two months plus laser coaching support $850 (normal pricing). Kickoff Special $750 plus an additional 1-hour follow up session a month later.

Annual: Twelve 1-hour sessions, one per month plus laser coaching support $2040 (normal pricing). Kickoff Special $1800 plus a 13th month bonus session.

*Both can be done face to face or over the phone. It doesn’t make any difference in my ability to do my job.

Group Coaching:

Group coaching is a lower price point alternative. Even though the session is not all about you, often the biggest impact for participants comes from an issue that another participant brought to the table.

Your job is to get together a group of 4 or 5 people who share your desire to grow and who you have harmony with.

Five 1-hour conference calls over five weeks $250 per person (normal pricing). Kickoff Special $200 per person plus a bonus session.

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Call Jonathan at 303.552.7285 to get scheduled.

I look forward to this opportunity to support you in your BREAKTHROUGH 2017.

Much love,



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