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Jonathan assists individuals and organization to get out of their own way and achieve the success they desire.  He provides speaking and training on a variety of topics that have a common foundation.  The foundation is that success begins inside your head.  Without the proper mindset and non-conscious programming success is an impossibility.  With the correct mindset and non-conscious programming success becomes inevitable.  Jonathan offers keynote addresses, all day training, half day training, shorter talks and custom designed presentations. Click here to book a speaking engagement with Jonathan.




The Law of Attraction Made Simple

What goes on inside your head really does matter.  Today’s thoughts, attitudes and non-conscious programming create tomorrow’s outcomes.  What goes on inside you head attracts the people, events, opportunities and coincidences that determine how your life is turning out.  This talk provides practical tools to change your thoughts, attitudes and non-conscious programming.  When you change these, your outcomes must change as well.  You will become more effective at producing the results that you want.

The Lost Art of Acting in Your Own Best Interest

Virtually everyone is inhibited to some degree from acting in his or her own best interest.  Most of the time these inhibitions are outside of awareness.  They come from cultural, societal, religious and family influences.  Because of these inhibitions you end compromising yourself, your success and your happiness.  Paradoxically when you start to act in your own best interest, you make the world a better place.  You come alive and those around you flourish.

Sales Superheroes

The words sales and superhero are seldom found in the same sentence but they should be.  As a sales superhero, your job is to make people’s lives better.  When you do this, the sales process will fill you with vitality and inspiration.   You will have a sense of fulfillment and well-being.  The age of the sales dinosaur is over.  People want to be served rather than manipulated, pressured or “techniqued”.  In this presentation you will learn the mindset that enables you to become a sales superhero.

Keep Moving Forward

A mountain biking odyssey taught me much about the road to success and the importance of having a “keep moving forward” strategy.  These lessons from the singletrack trail are very relevant to today’s business world.

The Language of Success:  Words DO Matter

Most people think that they use language to report on how things already are.  That is because they do not understand the true power of language.  Your language acts as a paintbrush, which paints your experience of life.  The way you speak, aloud as well as silently in your head, has a tremendous impact on your ability to succeed.  In this presentation you will discover how to use language to support yourself rather than thwart yourself.  When you change your language, you change your life!

Unique Challenges of Women Entrepreneurs

Being a successful entrepreneur is challenging.  Being a successful woman entrepreneur is even more challenging.  Besides the normal head trash that all entrepreneurs have to deal with, women entrepreneurs have some head trash that is unique to them.  These include:  the princess myth, the Ward and June Cleever model, mom as martyr conditioning and the “have to do business like a man” belief.  This presentation shows you how to become free from this women specific head trash.  When this happens you experience relief and the freedom to do business in a way that honors, supports and inspires you.

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Books & Products

Become a magnet for more of what you want in your personal and professional life. Buy now and get the results you deserve using the Law of Attraction.

Work with Jonathan

The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

Free Resources

Regardless of whether you ever choose to work with me, or buy anything from me ~ It is my great honor to provide you with some powerful tools to upgrade your consciousness.

Book Jonathan

Jonathan offers keynote addresses, all day training, half day training, shorter talks and custom designed presentations. Book now!