Head Trash and Recruiting

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WHY should you recruit?

That’s an easy question to answer: you will make more money, that’s the way to maximize the compensation plan, when you build a team you get paid on their efforts and production, you can change someone’s life by offering them a better opportunity and …

However, (as is always the case) we don’t get our WHYS until we deal with the WHY NOTS.

The challenge is that most of these are outside of our conscious awareness. So, these WHY NOTS sabotage us, have us be ineffective, and even avoid doing the things we know we ought to be doing. And if you are not a recruiting rockstar, then you have some reasons, stories and beliefs about why you should not recruit holding you back.

The WHY NOTS stop us from getting our WHY.

On Saturday Dec. 5 at 8:30am mountain time, we will dive into these non-conscious WHY NOTS in order to set you free to get your WHY.

The link to this 1-hour zoom call will be sent after you register

Venmo: @Jonathan-Manske

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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