Death By Comfort

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Death By Comfort ~ Jonathan Manske

Notes for Death By Comfort

What we want lives outside our comfort zone. Joy, happiness, fulfillment, and success begin outside of our comfort zone. Rising to our full potential requires getting out of our comfort zone.

Cognitive Dissonance – thermostat analogy

Comfort zone is really not that comfortable – but it is familiar and therefore “safe”.

(leads to)
Moment of choice
(leads to)
Seek comfort     or     Be bold

Most people are severely addicted to their comfort zone. So when they experience discomfort, they retreat and seek comfort. Consequently nothing changes.

But retreating has its own consequences: Your soul knows you are meant for more and can do better. You cement in mediocrity.

You can change your relationship to discomfort. You can learn to be bold.

Discomfort = yahoo I’m up against the glass ceiling, this is very exciting because something awesome is just on the other side of this. Growth begins with discomfort!!!

Any area of life you want to change ~ you are never going to feel like it.

  • Do it anyway.

To get what you want requires TOUGH LOVE. You have to force yourself to:

  • Break your routine
  • Be uncomfortable and do it anyway
  • Do what you don’t feel like doing
  • Do what you know is the right thing to do

Policies and Procedures for life ~ pre-decide what is the right thing to do – so that in that moment of discomfort you have guidelines.

Take action on the God Whisper. The idea dies within 5 seconds if you don’t take action.

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