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Breakthrough to Unprecedented Results

Live Workshop

Personal Growth Is Mandatory

So you want to grow your  business. You want to do better than you are currently doing. You are ready for bigger things. You are ready for breakthrough results

But . . . you find yourself saying, “I’m doing all the right things but not getting the results I deserve,” or, “I know what I should be doing but can’t bring myself to do it.” Or, things are just moving forward much slower than you would like and you feel frustrated, disappointed, or even stuck.

These experiences are a result of limiting beliefs, lousy mindsets, and other head trash. We can only be as successful and effective as our heads will allow us to be. So when we are not getting the results that we want, we need to get our heads straight. We have to upgrade what we believe about ourselves. Personal growth is mandatory!

When we begin to think different thoughts, when we reprogram our non-conscious, our outcomes will be different. When our heads are straight, we will naturally be magnetic to our good.

However, many people are not really sure how to go about doing this or they just need some support. The Breakthrough to Unprecedented Results program shows you how and provides that support.

  • Learn how to identify and then breakthrough your limiting beliefs.
  • Increase what is possible for you and become more magnetic to your success.
  • Learn to believe in yourself and increase your confidence.
  • Discover how to make the business more fun and enjoyable while being more effective.
  • Receive practical, easy-to-use, and highly effective tools and strategies that will help get your head straight.
  • Plus laser coaching on your specific challenges


  • Getting our heads right
  • Energy up or energy down
  • Death by comfort
  • What not how
  • The Invisible Side of Sales – phone phobia, fear of rejection, follow up-itis etc.
  • Laser coaching – questions from your business

Bonus ~ Program includes the 2-hour video program, Transform Your Limiting Beliefs.

Program Details:

When:  Saturday April 30 from 9:00am – 4:00pm Mountain Time

Where: Achievement Dynamics, 3600 S. Yosemite Street Suite 650, Denver, CO 80237

Investment:  $210 or bring a friend and you both get a $30 discount on your tuition

Unsatisfactory results are the natural outcome of limiting beliefs, lousy stories, and other head trash. These can all be upgraded. When we do that, we change our lives!!!

I am passionate about helping people to do better. So if now is your time to breakthrough to unprecedented results, register here and let’s make that happen!


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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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