OK God, pay attention, here’s how it is going to go . . .

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OK God, pay attention, here’s how it is going to go . . . Hopefully – if we caught ourselves saying, “OK God, pay attention, here’s how it is going to go . . . “ we’d feel pretty silly. But that is what we are doing all the time. Anytime (and every time) that […]

A Couple of Deep Questions

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A Couple of Deep Questions What do you really believe you deserve (at a deep honest level rather than the “what-I-wish-it-was” level? How valuable are you? If your answers are not what you want them to be, that is okay. Just know that this is a valuable place for some personal growth work and that […]

Is Your Future Safe?

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Say out loud, “the future is safe.” Then rate how that feels on a scale of 1-10, 1 being liar liar and 10 being totally true. If that isn’t a 9 or 10 you probably have some resistance to setting goals, to visualizing, and to being proactive. If the future isn’t safe, why in the […]

Hope and the Way

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In many ways, I see the work that I do as restoring hope to people that things can indeed be different and then showing them the path to create this. Hope: Yes, things can be different – radically different. When we change our beliefs, expectations, and mindset then what is possible for us changes too. […]

Socially Acceptable???

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Worry is socially acceptable. Negative self-talk is socially acceptable. Gossiping and bad-mouthing others is socially acceptable. Complaining and making others wrong is socially acceptable. And many other things like this . . . Whoa! If all that is socially acceptable, then our society has clearly gotten off track! How can things that are clearly detrimental […]

Expectations Often Come From Limitations

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When we stop and examine our expectations, we often find that they are more limitations than expectations. We expect that we cannot hit that number because we haven’t hit it before – but what if we can! We expect that it has to take a long time – but what if it doesn’t! We expect […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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